It may be time to start blogging regularly again.
Before getting started, sharing this video is a must:
Adapting To My New Life
It's taken me a while to adapt to my new life of living with and caring for my aging parents, living with compromise.
It's taken me a while to fully realize how precious a privilege this is.
Yes, I'm still living with my parents in their house, part time. Part time means I also have a camp near the Colorado River, to help me not lose touch with the realworld.
Ironically, though I still do not have, take or use money, I keep my parents' financial books, and I help my dad with shopping. And, of course, we live in a house owned and provided by my wealthy uncle (and, yes, I am grateful for his generosity), utilities paid through my parents' social security, which I would otherwise choose not to live under.
We could totally live well on scavenged & home-grown food alone, but it's hardly possible to get two 88-year-olds to fully agree to that. But, amazingly, unlike most 88-year-olds, they gladly and wholeheartedly eat the bulk of their diet from my scavenging & home gardening. And I love to cook. Cooking is a forte of mine.
There are lots going on around Fruita with prime friends, as well as family, I'd like to talk about in future posts. In the mean time, I have other things to share.
After many months of feeling dried up, I have been experiencing epiphanies the past few weeks. I have posted some on facebook, and I'm sharing them with you here:
Musings on the Persecution Complex

the taste of Death
All of us, without exception,
will give up all our possessions,
voluntarily or involuntarily,
and return to our nativity, the earth.
There is no taste of death (no sense of loss)
if we do it voluntarily.
Voluntarily means doing exactly what we want,
not because we have to.
You have only 2 immutable choices:
Give it up because you have to,
or give it up because you don't have to.
When we don't voluntarily give up possessions,
we identify with them,
we think they are our selves.
We say "thank you" when somebody compliments our possessions.
And we are offended when somebody insults our possessions.
Most of all, we think any challenge to our possessions is persecution,
even if it is simple suggestion of sharing.
When our possessions, our whole identity, is challenged,
we live in fear, fear of persecution.
Beliefs we cling to are no less our possessions.
Our most cherished religious beliefs are possessions, dogmas.
A challenge to our dogmas is perceived as persecution.
Paradoxically, if we are to find the truth of our religion,
we must give up all possessions.
That includes all beliefs we cling to.
Paradoxically, only then can we understand faith
when there is nothing more to cling to,
nothing more to possess.
There is then only the unseen, the un-thought.
When there is no more possession,
there is no more loss,
meaning there is
no more taste of death.
Immortality is freedom from possession.
The Persecution Complex
of the Dominant Religion
I grew up white Evangelical.
I sincerely believed we were the persecuted minority,
all outsiders our enemy.
The Persecution Complex
of the Dominant Social Class�
Please, let's take a moment of silence� to contemplate the suffering of this persecuted minority�. Don't be afraid to cry�.
Let it all� out.
A religiously Right� chap recently posted on Facebook� that people who speak ill of amassing wealth� are just jealous.
This is why we� recommend editing� the most blatant wealth bashers, like Jesus Christ and Apostle James, right out of our Bible� (see below),
and we� need to excommunicate all of the early church fathers and mothers, who unanimously bashed accumulation of wealth� (see below)
Then we� can finally enjoy the blessings� of trickle-down� warm golden liquid�.
The Golden Rule & the Persecution Complex
Yes, droves of people in this world think they are the persecuted minority.
I had an epiphany just the other day while hiking the canyons, about the Golden Rule:
1 a : a theory advocating
elimination of private property
b : a system in which goods
are owned in common and
are available to all as needed"
(Webster's Dictionary)
"Now all who believed were together,
and had all things in common,
and sold their possessions and goods,
and divided them among all,
as anyone had need."
(The Bible, Acts 2:44-45)
"Now the multitude
of those who believed
were of one heart and one soul;
neither did anyone say
that any of the things he possessed
was his own,
but they had all things in common."
(Acts 4:32)
Confirmed by our� witnesses:
"One thing you lack:
Go your way,
sell whatever you have
and give to the poor,
and you will have treasure in heaven;
and come, take up the cross, and follow me.". . . .
It is easier for a camel
to go through the eye of a needle
than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God."
(Jesus, Mark 10:21, 25)
So then, none of you can be my disciple
who does not give up all his own possessions.
(Jesus, Luke 14:33)
Listen, my beloved brethren:
Has not God chosen the poor of this world
to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom
which he promised to those who love him?
But you have dishonored the poor man.
Do not the rich oppress you
and drag you into the courts?
Do they not blaspheme
that Noble Name by which you are called?. . . .
Come now, you rich,
weep and howl for your miseries
that are coming upon you!
Your riches are corrupted,
and your garments are moth-eaten.
Your gold and silver are corroded,
and their corrosion will be a witness against you
and will eat your flesh like fire.
You have heaped up treasure in the last days.
Indeed the wages of the laborers who mowed your fields,
which you kept back by fraud, cry out;
and the cries of the reapers
have reached the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth.
You have lived on the earth in pleasure and luxury;
you have fattened your hearts as in a day of slaughter.
You have condemned,
you have murdered the just; he does not resist you.
(James 2:5-7 & 5:1-6)
"Those who wish to make room for the Lord
must find pleasure not in private,
but in common property�.
Redouble your charity.
For, on account of the things
which each one of us possesses singly,
wars exist, hatreds, discords, strifes
among human beings, tumults, dissensions,
scandals, sins, injustices, and murders.
On what account?
On account of those things
which each of us possesses singly.
Do we fight over the things we possess in common?
We inhale this air in common with others,
we all see the sun in common.
Blessed therefore are those who make room for the Lord,
so as not to take pleasure in private property.
Let us therefore abstain from the possessions of private property�
or from the love of it, if we cannot abstain from possession�
and let us make room for the Lord."
(Augustine, 354�430 CE)
"You are like one occupying a place in a theater,
who should prohibit others from entering,
treating that as one�s own
which was designed for the common use of all.
Such are the rich.
Because they were first to occupy common goods,
they take these goods as their own.
If each one would take that which is sufficient for one�s needs,
leaving what is in excess to those in distress,
no one would be rich, no one poor."
(Basil the Great, 329�379 CE)
"Thank God for the things that I do not own."
(Teresa of �vila, 1515-1582)
�We who once took most pleasure
in the means of increasing our wealth and property
now bring what we have into a common fund
and share with everyone in need.�
(Justin Martyr, 100-165 CE)
�And instead of the tithes which the law commanded,
the Lord said to divide everything we have with the poor.
And he said to love not only our neighbors but also our enemies,
and to be givers and sharers
not only with the good
but also to be liberal givers
toward those who take away our possessions.�
(Irenaeus, 130-200 CE)
�Private property is the fruit of iniquity.
I know that God has given us the use of goods,
but only as far as is necessary;
and he has determined that the use shall be common.
The use of all things that are found in this world
ought to be common to all men.
Only the most manifest iniquity
makes one say to another,
�This belongs to me, that to you.�
Hence the origin of contention among men.�
(Clement of Alexandria, 150-215 CE)
�We who share one mind and soul
obviously have no misgivings
about community of goods.�
(Tertullian, 160-225 CE)
�Nature has poured forth all things
for the common use of all people.
And God has ordained that all things should be produced
that there might be food in common for all,
and that the earth should be the common possession of all.
Nature created common rights,
but usurpation has transformed them into private rights�
God gave the same earth to be cultivated by all.
Since, therefore, His bounty is common,
how is it that you have so many fields,
and your neighbor not even a clod of earth?�
(Ambrose of Milan, 340-397 CE)
�The rich are in possession of the goods of the poor,
even if they have acquired them honestly
or inherited them legally.�
�Not to enable the poor to share in our goods
is to steal from them and deprive them of life.
The goods we possess are not ours but theirs.�
(John Chrysostom, 347-407 CE)
Before getting started, sharing this video is a must:
Some of the most generous people I know have no money
1 minute of wise words from part 1 of the brilliant 3-part film HUMAN. Watch it here:
Posted by Films For Action on Monday, October 19, 2015
Adapting To My New Life
It's taken me a while to adapt to my new life of living with and caring for my aging parents, living with compromise.
It's taken me a while to fully realize how precious a privilege this is.
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Front yard of my outdoor home at the Colorado River. (I snagged this pic taken by my friend Amber Stone) |
Yes, I'm still living with my parents in their house, part time. Part time means I also have a camp near the Colorado River, to help me not lose touch with the realworld.
Ironically, though I still do not have, take or use money, I keep my parents' financial books, and I help my dad with shopping. And, of course, we live in a house owned and provided by my wealthy uncle (and, yes, I am grateful for his generosity), utilities paid through my parents' social security, which I would otherwise choose not to live under.
We could totally live well on scavenged & home-grown food alone, but it's hardly possible to get two 88-year-olds to fully agree to that. But, amazingly, unlike most 88-year-olds, they gladly and wholeheartedly eat the bulk of their diet from my scavenging & home gardening. And I love to cook. Cooking is a forte of mine.
There are lots going on around Fruita with prime friends, as well as family, I'd like to talk about in future posts. In the mean time, I have other things to share.
After many months of feeling dried up, I have been experiencing epiphanies the past few weeks. I have posted some on facebook, and I'm sharing them with you here:
Musings on the Persecution Complex

the taste of Death
All of us, without exception,
will give up all our possessions,
voluntarily or involuntarily,
and return to our nativity, the earth.
There is no taste of death (no sense of loss)
if we do it voluntarily.
Voluntarily means doing exactly what we want,
not because we have to.
You have only 2 immutable choices:
Give it up because you have to,
or give it up because you don't have to.
When we don't voluntarily give up possessions,
we identify with them,
we think they are our selves.
We say "thank you" when somebody compliments our possessions.
And we are offended when somebody insults our possessions.
Most of all, we think any challenge to our possessions is persecution,
even if it is simple suggestion of sharing.
When our possessions, our whole identity, is challenged,
we live in fear, fear of persecution.
Beliefs we cling to are no less our possessions.
Our most cherished religious beliefs are possessions, dogmas.
A challenge to our dogmas is perceived as persecution.
Paradoxically, if we are to find the truth of our religion,
we must give up all possessions.
That includes all beliefs we cling to.
Paradoxically, only then can we understand faith
when there is nothing more to cling to,
nothing more to possess.
There is then only the unseen, the un-thought.
When there is no more possession,
there is no more loss,
meaning there is
no more taste of death.
Immortality is freedom from possession.
The Persecution Complex
of the Dominant Religion
I grew up white Evangelical.
I sincerely believed we were the persecuted minority,
all outsiders our enemy.
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of the Dominant Social Class�
Please, let's take a moment of silence� to contemplate the suffering of this persecuted minority�. Don't be afraid to cry�.
Let it all� out.
A religiously Right� chap recently posted on Facebook� that people who speak ill of amassing wealth� are just jealous.
This is why we� recommend editing� the most blatant wealth bashers, like Jesus Christ and Apostle James, right out of our Bible� (see below),
and we� need to excommunicate all of the early church fathers and mothers, who unanimously bashed accumulation of wealth� (see below)
Then we� can finally enjoy the blessings� of trickle-down� warm golden liquid�.
The Golden Rule & the Persecution Complex
Yes, droves of people in this world think they are the persecuted minority.
I had an epiphany just the other day while hiking the canyons, about the Golden Rule:
"You always do unto others
as you would have others do unto you."
Duh! This is not a command!
Love can't be commanded.
There can be no grace in commandment.

It is a statement,
and not necessarily a positive statement.
This Golden Rule is a law, the social manifestation of the law of physics:
All of us follow this law whether we hate people or love people!
The Golden Rule is the Mother of all laws.
When I love people, I want and have love for myself, and vise versa.
Self-love is light, self-dissolving into all, aware of others.
When I have a persecution complex, I hate myself,
and I persecute others unawares, and vise versa,
and I want to be persecuted.
Self-hate is self-absorption, blindness, unaware of others.
And guess what?
I looked up "Love your neighbor as yourself" in the Hebrew Torah
[Leviticus 19:18, Young's Literal Translation, plus Hebrew text].
Indeed, literally it is not a command, not imperative tense.
It simply describes what is!
All resolves itself in the light, which does not command, does not force, does not control.
In the light all that is illusion vanishes, all that is real remains.
This is the Tao
The Broken Spirit Behind the Machinery
of "Free Market" Capitalism
Free means no money.
"Free market" is called "laissez faire economy."
This is Orwellian doublethink.
Laissez faire means "let it be" or "hands off".

Natural ecology is the only balanced
laissez faire economy.
Laissez faire is impossible in a money economy,
as history never ceases to show us,
because the very nature of money is control of the balance of positive and negative, credit and debt.
True laissez faire, in fact, is the philosophy of living without money.
Invention of money is loss of faith
in the laws of physics and ecology,
fall from grace, fall from gratis.
True laissez faire is faith in the very law of physics and ecology:
You can try laissez faire for machinery or
you can have laissez faire for life.
You must choose one. You can't have both.
You can serve (work for) money or
you can serve (work for) life.
It is impossible to do both.
The market is a machine, without empathy.
Machinery has no morality, no life, to self-regulate.
Ecology is life, whose essence is empathy.
Empathy is self-regulating morality.
Life has already regulated itself for eons
and undomesticated life already regulates itself in balance
as we observe all around us.
Those who deregulate machinery must regulate living beings.
Those who deregulate living beings must regulate machinery.
None of us wants to be regulated ourselves,
We all want laissez faire for ourselves.
So we deregulate what is like ourselves,
and we regulate what is unlike ourselves.
If our spirit (empathy) has been broken through abuse,
we become machines without empathy,
and we want to deregulate unfeeling machinery
and we want to regulate life,
and we regard empathy as silly naivete.
If our spirit triumphs through abuse,
we become life, compassionate,
and we want to deregulate life
and regulate the machinery
that would otherwise regulate and abuse life,
and we regard empathy as the essence of life.
When we have life, machinery serves us.
When our spirit is broken, we serve machinery.
Laissez faire of life is the spiritual concept
that all life balances itself outside our control
(Like "Tao" in eastern tradition, "Grace" in western).
Attempting laissez faire of machinery is materialistic
(materialistic means matter without empathy),
In other words, deregulating machinery is based on desire to regulate nature,
based on the concept that nature needs our control;
It is based on our loss of faith that the laws of physics and ecology actually work.
"Free market" capitalists hijack such profound spiritual concepts for marketing purposes.
They have hijacked religion, as they hijack music, art, food, and all life, stripping it all of empathy.
Money has upset the balance of ecology.
True laissez faire can only work for life, not money.
It's the same principle as a tight rope walker losing balance when consciously trying to control balance, when the left hand tries to know what the right hand is doing, not letting it be.
Love can't be commanded.
There can be no grace in commandment.

It is a statement,
and not necessarily a positive statement.
This Golden Rule is a law, the social manifestation of the law of physics:
"For every force there is an equal and opposite force, simultaneously."The law of physics is not a command.
All of us follow this law whether we hate people or love people!
The Golden Rule is the Mother of all laws.
When I love people, I want and have love for myself, and vise versa.
Self-love is light, self-dissolving into all, aware of others.
When I have a persecution complex, I hate myself,
and I persecute others unawares, and vise versa,
and I want to be persecuted.
Self-hate is self-absorption, blindness, unaware of others.
And guess what?
I looked up "Love your neighbor as yourself" in the Hebrew Torah
[Leviticus 19:18, Young's Literal Translation, plus Hebrew text].
Indeed, literally it is not a command, not imperative tense.
It simply describes what is!
"You always love your neighbor as you love yourself."Simply describing what is brings light to what is.
All resolves itself in the light, which does not command, does not force, does not control.
In the light all that is illusion vanishes, all that is real remains.
This is the Tao
The Broken Spirit Behind the Machinery
of "Free Market" Capitalism
If our spirit (empathy) has been broken through abuse, we become machines without empathy, and we want to deregulate unfeeling machineryand we want to regulate life."Free market" is an oxymoron.
Free means no money.
"Free market" is called "laissez faire economy."
This is Orwellian doublethink.
Laissez faire means "let it be" or "hands off".

Natural ecology is the only balanced
laissez faire economy.
Laissez faire is impossible in a money economy,
as history never ceases to show us,
because the very nature of money is control of the balance of positive and negative, credit and debt.
True laissez faire, in fact, is the philosophy of living without money.
Invention of money is loss of faith
in the laws of physics and ecology,
fall from grace, fall from gratis.
True laissez faire is faith in the very law of physics and ecology:
For every negative there is always an equal positive.All life is already balanced - we've just become blind to this.
For every credit there is an equal simultaneous debt.
You can try laissez faire for machinery or
you can have laissez faire for life.
You must choose one. You can't have both.
You can serve (work for) money or
you can serve (work for) life.
It is impossible to do both.
The market is a machine, without empathy.
Machinery has no morality, no life, to self-regulate.
Ecology is life, whose essence is empathy.
Empathy is self-regulating morality.
Life has already regulated itself for eons
and undomesticated life already regulates itself in balance
as we observe all around us.
Those who deregulate machinery must regulate living beings.
Those who deregulate living beings must regulate machinery.
None of us wants to be regulated ourselves,
We all want laissez faire for ourselves.
So we deregulate what is like ourselves,
and we regulate what is unlike ourselves.
If our spirit (empathy) has been broken through abuse,
we become machines without empathy,
and we want to deregulate unfeeling machinery
and we want to regulate life,
and we regard empathy as silly naivete.
If our spirit triumphs through abuse,
we become life, compassionate,
and we want to deregulate life
and regulate the machinery
that would otherwise regulate and abuse life,
and we regard empathy as the essence of life.
When we have life, machinery serves us.
When our spirit is broken, we serve machinery.
Laissez faire of life is the spiritual concept
that all life balances itself outside our control
(Like "Tao" in eastern tradition, "Grace" in western).
Attempting laissez faire of machinery is materialistic
(materialistic means matter without empathy),
In other words, deregulating machinery is based on desire to regulate nature,
based on the concept that nature needs our control;
It is based on our loss of faith that the laws of physics and ecology actually work.
"Free market" capitalists hijack such profound spiritual concepts for marketing purposes.
They have hijacked religion, as they hijack music, art, food, and all life, stripping it all of empathy.
Money has upset the balance of ecology.
True laissez faire can only work for life, not money.
It's the same principle as a tight rope walker losing balance when consciously trying to control balance, when the left hand tries to know what the right hand is doing, not letting it be.
Hot off the press!
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1 a : a theory advocating
elimination of private property
b : a system in which goods
are owned in common and
are available to all as needed"
(Webster's Dictionary)
"Now all who believed were together,
and had all things in common,
and sold their possessions and goods,
and divided them among all,
as anyone had need."
(The Bible, Acts 2:44-45)
"Now the multitude
of those who believed
were of one heart and one soul;
neither did anyone say
that any of the things he possessed
was his own,
but they had all things in common."
(Acts 4:32)
Confirmed by our� witnesses:
"Christians despise all possessions and share them communally" --Lucian of Samosata (c. 125-180 CE) Assyrian Pagan Author |
List of the
For Sedition Against Our Empire�:
Jesus Christ (from a painting in Rome, 530 CE) |
"One thing you lack:
Go your way,
sell whatever you have
and give to the poor,
and you will have treasure in heaven;
and come, take up the cross, and follow me.". . . .
It is easier for a camel
to go through the eye of a needle
than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God."
(Jesus, Mark 10:21, 25)
So then, none of you can be my disciple
who does not give up all his own possessions.
(Jesus, Luke 14:33)
Iacov (James, brother of Jesus) |
Listen, my beloved brethren:
Has not God chosen the poor of this world
to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom
which he promised to those who love him?
But you have dishonored the poor man.
Do not the rich oppress you
and drag you into the courts?
Do they not blaspheme
that Noble Name by which you are called?. . . .
Come now, you rich,
weep and howl for your miseries
that are coming upon you!
Your riches are corrupted,
and your garments are moth-eaten.
Your gold and silver are corroded,
and their corrosion will be a witness against you
and will eat your flesh like fire.
You have heaped up treasure in the last days.
Indeed the wages of the laborers who mowed your fields,
which you kept back by fraud, cry out;
and the cries of the reapers
have reached the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth.
You have lived on the earth in pleasure and luxury;
you have fattened your hearts as in a day of slaughter.
You have condemned,
you have murdered the just; he does not resist you.
(James 2:5-7 & 5:1-6)
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Augustine |
"Those who wish to make room for the Lord
must find pleasure not in private,
but in common property�.
Redouble your charity.
For, on account of the things
which each one of us possesses singly,
wars exist, hatreds, discords, strifes
among human beings, tumults, dissensions,
scandals, sins, injustices, and murders.
On what account?
On account of those things
which each of us possesses singly.
Do we fight over the things we possess in common?
We inhale this air in common with others,
we all see the sun in common.
Blessed therefore are those who make room for the Lord,
so as not to take pleasure in private property.
Let us therefore abstain from the possessions of private property�
or from the love of it, if we cannot abstain from possession�
and let us make room for the Lord."
(Augustine, 354�430 CE)
Basil the Great |
"You are like one occupying a place in a theater,
who should prohibit others from entering,
treating that as one�s own
which was designed for the common use of all.
Such are the rich.
Because they were first to occupy common goods,
they take these goods as their own.
If each one would take that which is sufficient for one�s needs,
leaving what is in excess to those in distress,
no one would be rich, no one poor."
(Basil the Great, 329�379 CE)
Teresa de �vila |
"Thank God for the things that I do not own."
(Teresa of �vila, 1515-1582)
Justin Martyr |
�We who once took most pleasure
in the means of increasing our wealth and property
now bring what we have into a common fund
and share with everyone in need.�
(Justin Martyr, 100-165 CE)
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Irenaeus |
�And instead of the tithes which the law commanded,
the Lord said to divide everything we have with the poor.
And he said to love not only our neighbors but also our enemies,
and to be givers and sharers
not only with the good
but also to be liberal givers
toward those who take away our possessions.�
(Irenaeus, 130-200 CE)
Clement of Alexandria |
�Private property is the fruit of iniquity.
I know that God has given us the use of goods,
but only as far as is necessary;
and he has determined that the use shall be common.
The use of all things that are found in this world
ought to be common to all men.
Only the most manifest iniquity
makes one say to another,
�This belongs to me, that to you.�
Hence the origin of contention among men.�
(Clement of Alexandria, 150-215 CE)
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Tertullian |
�We who share one mind and soul
obviously have no misgivings
about community of goods.�
(Tertullian, 160-225 CE)
Ambrose |
�Nature has poured forth all things
for the common use of all people.
And God has ordained that all things should be produced
that there might be food in common for all,
and that the earth should be the common possession of all.
Nature created common rights,
but usurpation has transformed them into private rights�
God gave the same earth to be cultivated by all.
Since, therefore, His bounty is common,
how is it that you have so many fields,
and your neighbor not even a clod of earth?�
(Ambrose of Milan, 340-397 CE)
John Chrysostom |
�The rich are in possession of the goods of the poor,
even if they have acquired them honestly
or inherited them legally.�
�Not to enable the poor to share in our goods
is to steal from them and deprive them of life.
The goods we possess are not ours but theirs.�
(John Chrysostom, 347-407 CE)
Gregory of Nyssa |
"We are all the same family:
all of us are brothers and sisters.
And among brethren it is best and most equal
that all inherit equal portions.�
(Gregory of Nyssa, 330-395 CE)
Cyprian |
"They think of themselves as owners,
whereas it is they rather who are owned:
enslaved as they are to their own property,
they are not the masters of their money but its slaves.�
(Cyprian, 200-258 CE)
Cyril of Alexandria |
�Give away these earthly things,
and win that which is in heaven.
Give that which you must leave,
even against your will,
that you may not lose things later.
Lend your wealth to God,
that you may be really rich.
Concerning the way in which to lend it,
Jesus next teaches us saying:
�Sell your possessions, and give alms,
provide yourselves with purses that do not grow old,
with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail�
(Cyril of Alexandria, 378-444 CE)
The Didache: The Teachings of the Twelve Apostles |
�Share everything with your brother.
Do not say, �It is private property.�
If you share what is everlasting,
you should be that much more willing
to share things which do not last.�
(The Didache 4:8, c. 90 CE)
Pray for Your Holy Empire� Under Attack!
"Fighting & Civilizing,
Refining & Repackaging
Indigenous Peoples!
Co-opting & Marketing
Spiritual Traditions
Co-opting & Marketing
Spiritual Traditions
For Your Security!"�
Fun Size!Slick Disposable Packaging!
Do not purchase if Seal is broken.
Your Trademark
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