Are You A Sodium Sleuth?

Source:  CDC
If you are watchdogging the sodium in your diet, you are among friends.  According to a recent study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 50 percent of adults living in 26 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico are actively trying to reduce their sodium intake.

This is good news as the latest conclusion in the Scientific Report of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee is that reducing the sodium in your diet can prevent and reduce high blood pressure. 

American adults are consuming over 3,500 milligrams (mg) of sodium daily, which is way over the 2,300 mg upper limit recommended daily, and more than double the 1,500 mg that some folks, who are at a higher risk of getting high blood pressure, should be consuming.   If you are age 51 and older, African American, or have diabetes, high blood pressure, or kidney disease, you are in the higher risk group.

So, as a sodium sleuth, can you uncover which of the following is the number one source of sodium in the diet of Americans? 

a.    Dairy foods (milk, yogurt, and cheese)
b.    Condiments, gravies, and salad dressings
c.    Mixed dishes (pizza, burgers, soups, meat, chicken, and fish dishes, grain dishes)
d.    Fruit juices

Here�s your answer:

Source:  Scientific Report of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee
It�s those mixed dishes, which include burgers, pizza, seasoned grain dishes, main dinner entrees, and soups that are the biggest sodium culprits in your diet. 

If these foods are routinely on your plate, snoop around the fast food establishment�s website prior to placing your order to find the lowest sodium option available.  When food shopping, check the Nutrition Facts panel on the label to compare the amount of sodium per serving among the different brands of mixed dishes available. 

I did some sodium sleuthing myself, and this is what I found:

A little snooping could go a long way in reducing the amount of sodium that you are eating.

Be well, Joan

Twitter:  @JoanSalgeBlake
