Before I get started, again, I'll announce that I'm scheduled for my radio show again this Sunday:Now, this time, a flow of consciousness:Turn On, Tune In, Drop OutSunday 9:00pm to 11:00pm MSTKZMU Moab Community RadioListen livestream also at or]
Why are we living outside of our time?
Everything is beautiful in its time.
Everything is beautiful in its place.
For what is the span of time but the span of space?
Everyone is beautiful in their time.
Everyone is beautiful in their own unique place.
�Everybody is a genius.Why are we not being ourselves?
But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree,
it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.�
--A quote falsely attributed to Albert Einstein.
Nevertheless, it is an ingenious quote, whoever said it.
Why do we not do what our own nature tells us to do?
Every work is beautiful in its time.
Every work is beautiful in its place.
Who of us truly does our own work
of our own nature,
not because we are paid,
either bribed by paychecks,
by school grades,
by guilt or praise,
by rewards of heaven or hell:
all work prescribed by others.
Why do we worry about the work of others,
leaving our own undone?
Better one's own work, done imperfectly,Nothing is bad in its time
than another's work well performed.
--Bhagavad Gita 3:33
Shit is beautiful in its time.
Shit is beautiful in its place.
Get thee behind me shit.
Then you will be beautiful.
You will be out of my sight, out of my mind,
beautiful, delicious
food for somebody else.
Notice how it is said
Get thee behind me, Satan;
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National Library of Australia |
Notice how it is not said,
Cease to exist, Satan.
Love your Satans,
so says Jesus
(Satan is the Hebrew word for enemy).
Think on this truth:
One person's Satan
is another's Holy Sacrament.
One person's rear
is another's front.
What is last
is to be first
as is any point
on the eternal circle of life.
What is behind is before
as is any place on the globe of earth.
This is my Body.
What is cast off as death from me
is taken on as life for you.
There is nothing in the universe
that is not My Body.
What is my death
is your ressurrection
What is your death
is my resurrection
When I am present, here, now,
When I Am Who I Am,
I am beautiful,
I am all-Powerful,
I am All Life as One.
Don't let this be a hokey cliche,
but realize its never-changing truth.
An Economy is Beautiful and Balanced,
in its time and place
Why was contrived trade,
called money and barter, invented?
Why did we lose faith in the natural, unconscious, automatic trade,
the law over every particle in the universe?
The purpose for the invention of this contrived trade
was to get, not what we need,
but to get an idea we crave,
what is not here and now,
to get what is not,
to get what is not,
to get what is not!
We wanted something from another place and time.
The only purpose for inventing contrived trade was to escape our time and place
to remove other things and creatures out of time and place,
to name nature as imbalanced and in need of our control.
We took the fruit of future time and place
from the tree of thought of good and evil,
thought of credit and debt,
and we fell from Grace,
departed from Gratis.
Now we lust for apples from New Zealand
crossing paths of apples from Washington
and lust for bottled water from Europe
crossing paths of bottled water from the US
going to opposite ends of the ocean,
in growing cycles of absurdity,
bottles ending up in the
Great Pacific Plastic Trash Continent.
My eyes are in front of my head
for a reason,
for a reason,
for a reason!
If I look back,
I turn to a statue of salt.
If I claim possession of what is passing
I become possessed,
I become a possession,
a dead statue, stuck in time.
Can I be exorcised
of my possession?
Life is flow.
What is before
passes behind.
When I possess things
I stop the flow.
Why do I want what passes behind
to remain present before?
Why can I not let go of one ladder rung
to grasp the next?
Why can I not close one door
to open the next?
Why am I stuck?
Why am I possessed?
My possessions
are my demons.
Demon possessed.
I am possessed by illusions,
because possession is only illusion.
Demons are only illusion.
Who can own a wave?
Who can own air?
Who can own fire?
Who can own earth?
What flowed to me as an Angel,
I have tripped and caused to fall,
fallen angel become my demon,
my Satan, my Adversary.
But when I say in truth,
"Get thee behind me, Satan,"
I am released from possession,
letting go my Devil,
letting him resurrect as another's Angel.
If you, Satan, were existing evil,
I would say, "Cease existing, Satan!"
But I know you, Satan, are good
when you are in your place,
when you are in your time.
Thus, I say,
"Get thee behind me, Satan!"
To the pure,
all things are pure.
Only then I can feed others
in their proper season,
as I eat in my proper season.
Only in gift
can I feed others
in their proper season,
as I eat in my proper season.
When I let go
I trust
I invest in life.
I invest in myself.
I invest in others.
I invest in the Whole.
All shit is good when I let it go,
out of my behind,
out of sight,
out of mind,
to be Holy Sacrament for another creature.
He has made everything beautiful in its time.
Everything is beautiful, good and true, in its time and place,
including Satan, no longer Satan.
A time to love,
a time to hate.
It is good to smell the stench of shit and put it behind.
It is good to hate what must be hated and put it behind.
Then I can love shit.
I can love anything in its time and place.
Love your enemies.
Love your satans.
Put them behind you.
For they are beautiful, good and true, in their time and place.
We stole fire from heaven,
because we could not accept night as night.
We could not accept winter as winter.
We could not accept people as people.
We could not accept nature as nature.
We could not accept love as love.
Confused insomniac, out of place and time.
Now my night self can't sleep,
awake at night,
full of worry.
My sleep self cannot accept its time and place
wanting to control my wake self.
My sleep self doesn't trust my wake self to do his job.
My sleep self has lost gratitude,
gratitude for the beautiful solitude and rest of night.
His mind is not here, but on tomorrow.
We cannot accept other people in their time and place,
wanting to control and convert other people.
We cannot accept others to do their jobs.
So we must bribe with guilt, punishment, rewards of money, grades, heaven and hell.
In other words, we must enslave.
There can be no enslavement of others
without enslaving ourselves,
no matter how rich we think we are.
There can be no possession of others
without ourselves being possessed,
out of our minds,
out of our minds,
out of our minds!
Fire, energy, falls as sunlight,
falls as lightning,
from heaven as pure gift.
Then we claim ownership of energy,
as if we earned it,
as if we earned it,
as if we earned it!
We steal energy from heaven.
Now we buy and sell
what was once free for all
as if it were not a gift,
as if it were not a gift,
as if it were not a gift!
And we have lost all gratitude,
even as we say "thank you"
to our clerks and customers
and on our plastic signs
and our intercom recordings.
Our "gratitude" is nothing
but a recorded message,
is nothing
but a recorded message,
is nothing
but a recorded message!
Yes, we think we own fire, energy.
I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven,
fire taken hold of as possession,
free flow blocked.
Get thee behind me, lightning.
And then we will see
energy in a different way,
energy as it is,
the Holy One
lighting up the universe,
from one end of heaven to another,
forever now, perpetually.
RIP Pete Seeger
Now, empirical evidence for what we already know:
Creativity and True Productivity
is not motivated by money.
In fact, it is inhibited by money:
Now, empirical evidence for what we already know:
Creativity and True Productivity
is not motivated by money.
In fact, it is inhibited by money:
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